How To Order

  1. Click on ‘Order Here
  2. Type in your school’s name in the ‘Event/Organization Name‘ field. Click on Search
  3. Scroll down until you find your student’s school.
  4. Select what package you would like to purchase or click on additional items to browse more products.
  5. Once your cart is full you will be prompted and required to fill out student and parent information.
  6. The last and final step is the billing information.
  7. You are all done! Please wait 3-4 weeks to receive your school day pictures!

You Should Know

  • Sale Prices! Order your photos by Picture Day to save money on our products. Orders placed after Picture Day are at our regular prices.
  • Orders after Picture Day will be shipped to your home and shipping rates will apply.
  • If you purchase a digital download and personalization the personalization will not be on the digitally downloaded picture.
  • Digital downloads have an expiration date of 60 days after delivery to school. You have 60 days of product being delivered to the school to download the digital Image.
  • CLASS COMPOSITES cannot be processed or printed until after your schools makeup day.